
Adolescence is a potential minefield of confusion where the only certainty is that whatever parents do think or say it will be WRONG. It is a period where physical changes and emotional uncertainty add to the pressure of exams and personal expectations: a toxic combination that can result in melt down. Our aim is to prevent a breakdown of communication and reduce the risk of mental health problems by working with families to negotiate positive outcomes.

The work involves:

  • Creating a safe, impartial and confidential space for unravelling problems and talking through difficult issues
  • Braking down complex emotional and relationship issues into manageable points for discussion
  • Acknowledging and listening to difficult feelings
  • Allowing and managing conflict
  • A positive outlook and the development of appropriate support strategies and tools
  • Access to a broad network of relevant experts
  • Absolute focus on developing the best possible outcomes

Tailored solutions for groups

Even as kids reach adolescence, they need more than ever for us to watch over them. Adolescence is not about letting go. It's about hanging on during a very bumpy ride.

Ron Taffel