Responding to organisational shock
Organisational shock is a natural collective response to extraordinary events that are outside an organisation’s control. These events can be caused by very different things from leader led activity, the sudden death of a key executive, through to genuine accidents. Organisations, like humans, have a physical response to shock as the oxygen flow of commercial activity to vital organs is dramatically reduced resulting in a state of near paralysis and confused anxiety. How to respond and what to do?
Some organisations try to ignore the impact of extraordinary events and "carry on as normal" working on an adrenalin based stress response rather than a considered evaluation of available options. This approach fails to consider the emotional impact of the event on staff who frequently feel bewildered and overwhelmed by a genuine sense of loss, fear of change and potential loss of job security. Read a recent article describing emotional shock in more detail here.
At Start Making a Difference we have experience of working with companies experiencing organisational shock to help business leaders do the right things at the right times by providing:
- On site emergency support over the immediate crisis period
- An experienced and calming sounding board for dealing with difficult practical and emotional responses
- Ability to deal with and respond to the needs of those most closely affected by the situation (Post Traumatic Stress)
- A proven shock recovery process that prioritises key activities
- A listening ear to difficult things and emotions
- A commercial focus on closure and recovery
For further information on organisational shock download our White Paper